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Monday, December 31, 2012

From the 2012 Middle Grade Pile...

According to Goodreads, I read around 62 books this year. That's a little over one book per week - yet I still didn't get to all the amazing middle grade books in my to-be-read pile.

Reading books for this age group is inspirational and motivating as a middle grade writer, and I'll continue to feature my favorites on Mondays next year. Until then, here are a few 2012 middle grade titles I'm making it my resolution to read first in 2013:
1) The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls (August 2012): Can you even stand this cover art? I've heard great things about this book, but I'd probably pick it up based on the cover alone if I hadn't!
 2) May B (January 2012): This one was featured by many MMGM bloggers this year - and I've never read a book in verse. Must rectify that!
3) Keeper of the Lost Cities (October 2012): Shannon, the founder of MMGM, is a hilarious blogger who I've followed since I started writing. Can't wait to read her debut.
4) The Templeton Twins Have an Idea (August 2012): I picked this one up at BEA and also adore the cover. Looks so fun and quirky.
5) Liar & Spy (August 2012): After reading When You Reach Me, I'll probably gobble up anything Rebecca Stead writes. Yes, it was that good :)
6) Chained (May 2012): The premise of this story is crazy interesting. Plus, if you follow Lynne on Twitter, you know that anything she writes is entertaining.
7) The Peculiar (September 2012): This is one of those stories that seems like a total escape. I first heard about it during BEA's Middle Grade Buzz Panel and was totally wowed that it was written by a teen. Way to rock it!
8) The Mighty Miss Malone (January 2012): Have I ever mentioned what a sucker I am for historical middle grade? Set during the Great Depression, this one looks particularly special.
What are the 2012 YA or middle grade books you haven't gotten around to yet? Or better yet, what books are you most excited for in 2013?

Happy New Year, everyone!


  1. Keeper of the Lost Cities is also on my list for 2013! And I was sneaky, I bought it to my daughter as a Christmas present. So many good books out there! I wish I had more time to read. I have to add Liar and Spy to my list. I really loved When You Reach Me. Rebecca Stead is an amazing writer.

  2. You've got some great ones listed here that I want to add to my own list! I'm especially looking forward to reading Keeper of the Lost Cities. I read May B. recently and really loved it!

  3. I read Keeper of the Lost Cities and The Cavendish Home... and enjoyed them both! Happy reading, and Happy New Year!

  4. I still need to read a few of those too! May B and Keeper are on the top of my list. Happy reading in 2013!

  5. I just finished reading The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls. Loved it. I recently started on Time Between Us, a YA book. Happy reading and Happy New Year!

  6. I've read MAY B. and LIAR & SPY, and both were great. KEEPER OF LOST CITIES is also on my list, along with a million others. Happy reading!

  7. I'm just now reading A DOG CALLED HOMELESS and THE SECOND LIFE OF ABIGAIL WALKER, both 2012 releases (I think). They both have dogs that are an agent of change, so as a dog-lover, they are perfect for me.

  8. Liar & Spy
    The Peculiar
    The Keeper of The lost Cities
    were all on my "hot" list but I wasn't able to get to them before 2012 was over.
    I did read May B. (loved every bit of it) and The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls (awesomely creepy).

