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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Weekly Twitter Chats for Kidlit Writers

One of the neatest thing about Twitter is the sense of community it creates in groups. Authors and agents and editors everywhere have never been more accessible than now. Following such a wide range of children's book folk has given me not only a ton of inspiration, but also information.

There are plenty of avenues to reach the writerly set, from blogs to Facebook to Goodreads. Twitter chats are one of my favorite. Many Tuesdays I've tried to get near a computer by 9pm to follow along with the first children's book chat I found - the always lovely #kidlitchat. Each week a new theme is presented, and then tweeted

Here are some of the weekly writer chats I've peeked in on: 
  • Mon: #pblitchat (10pm EST, picture book writing and illustrating)  
  • Tue:  #kidlitchat (9pm EST, all children's book topics | transcripts here)
  • Wed: #yalitchat (9pm EST, covering YA topics | transcripts here)
  • Thu:  #kidlitart (9pm EST, illustrations and children's book art)
                  #mglitchat (9pm, middle grade book topics | transcripts here)

How about you? What are some of your favorite chats? Do you find Twitter chats useful, or are they too noisy?

More around the web:


  1. Thanks, Gina. I don't utilize Twitter as much as I should. Maybe learning how to effectively use hashtags would help. :)

  2. #WritersRoad was the first Twitter chat I happened upon. It helped me form some connections. I've lurked on many of the chats you mention but have found them hard to follow--lots of @mentions that are personal or replying to that specific person's question and it all grows jumbled. Good info exchanged but lots of mud to traverse while getting to what you wanted to know.

  3. I have a goal to participate in more twitter chats to this is helpful! I should tune into the #yalitchat one soon. :)
