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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

20 Absolutely True Diaries of a Part-Time Indian

You know what's fun? Heaving a box of books onto a train and across Harlem. Okay, maybe not. But since I get to hand out these copies of Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian on Monday, it was worth it:

To backtrack, a few months ago I signed up for World Book Night. Also known as the best idea ever. The basic premise is, to encourage reading, participants will take to the streets and hand out free books to strangers (bonus points if you pass your bounty on to reluctant readers).

As a giver, I got to choose from a fantastic list of books, but ultimately went with Alexie's National Book Award winner so that I would have an excuse to talk to NYC teenagers about YA. Will let you know how it goes on Monday! Any other World Book Night givers out there?


  1. What a cool idea!! I can't wait to hear your follow up.

  2. I've never heard of World Book Night 'til now. What a cool concept. And that Sherman Alexie book is a great read.

  3. I've never heard of World Book Night, Gina. But I think it's a great idea. :)

  4. YES! I picked up my copies of Because of Winn Dixie yesterday and will be talking with a group of "I don't like to read" 4th graders on Monday, and I can't wait!

  5. Alas, there is no World Book Night in Canada at the moment. What a great idea, and what a great list of books they have. (I still haven't read the Alexi book, shame on me.)

  6. I haven't heard of World Book Night either, but have a great time! How could you not?
