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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Row80 Update: The End of Another Awesome Round

For the last 79 days, I've been working on a set of writing goals via Round of Words in 80 Days. This time around, I didn't do as much updating via my blog, but I was still mindful of my goals and what I hoped to achieve during that period.

Tomorrow is the last day of this round. My major goals were to:
  1. Finish revising my middle grade manuscript
  2. Begin pitching
  3. Write 15k words of a new manuscript
 And despite going off track a few times, I didn't do too shabby! Here's where I'm really at:
  1. Finish manuscript: My three-year-old manuscript is finally in the hands of beta readers. And honestly, I'm so tired of reading it, I really welcome the break I get while I wait for their feedback.
  2. Begin pitching: Revisions took longer than I hoped (per usual), so the query process will likely start in April.
  3. New WIP: This is where I'm most excited. Because my first book took so long to write, I thought I'd be flailing with this new one. Instead, I'm 20k into my newest work-in-progress. Which is about halfway done. Hooray!
 So that's where I'm at! One thing I really like about ROW80 is the scheduling - which keeps me on track. I know it's not for everyone, but it's definitely taught me to plan, set goals, then tweak my goals along the way.

How did this round work out for everyone?


  1. Yay! 20K is awesome!

    In terms of your finished manuscript, I feel the same way. I'm sending it to beta readers on Friday (that's my deadline and I'm sticking to it!) and I seriously can't wait to take a break from this book for a few weeks.

  2. Hi, Gina! It's great to see you. I know what you mean about being ready for a break from your story. I will proof read once or twice more and then publish. And, honestly, I probably won't read it again for a long, long time. Ha. I love it, but after the writing, the revisions, the editing, the four proof-reads I've already done, and the two I will still tackle. Enough is

    Hope to see you in next round! Have a wonderful few weeks break!

  3. That's a lot to celebrate! Make sure you do.

    My last 80 days, although I didn't ROW80, are very similar to yours.

  4. You had a great round Gina! So exciting to get you MS out to readers and be 20K into the next one. Go you! See you in round 2 :)
