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Friday, March 2, 2012

My Favorite Publishing Industry News Round Ups

By Lienhard Schulz via Wikimedia Commons
If you're like me, your Google Reader greets you on a daily basis with some-teen articles demanding attention. What better way to start your morning than with a hefty helping of feeling behind?

Many days I glance at headlines, but don't get to all the articles I'd like to read. This is where my favorite Friday round ups help out. Here are three fantastic resources to catch you up on your week:
  • Sooz's YA and MG Publishing Industry Lowdown: Want to know what book deals went down this week in children's literature? Author Susan Dennard has a terrific round up of who signed what every Friday. Read it with bated breath every week to see if another author magically wrote and sold the same book you're currently scribbling down.
  • Publishing Pulse: QueryTracker's weekly list of writing tips from around the Web, agent posts, writer success stories, and publishing news is perfect for us busy bees.
  • This Week in Books: Author Nathan Bransford also does a great job of collecting the best articles, tips, and newsie items in publishing. As a CNET employee, he has a neat perspective on the tech side of book publishing, too.
Where do you get your publishing industry news? Have any favorite weekly catch ups?


  1. Ha! I have to say, I certainly wait with bated breath. I remember reading the summary of CLOCKWORK ANGEL a few weeks before it released and thinking, "Oh NO! It's the same as MY BOOK!" I bought the book the day it came out, and phew! It's nothing like SS&D! All the same, a one-sentence premise is a one-sentence premise--it's hard to *really* tell how the book will be. So back to the bated breath it is!

  2. I'm not familiar with any of those links, so I'm going to click, click, click. Thanks.

    My publishing news comes mostly from School Library Journal e-newsletters which is really second-hand publishing news.

  3. I get my publishing industry news from Susan's blog too, as well as YA Highway.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. I already follow the second and the third, but didn't know about the first so thanks! I also like the Friday recaps on Adventures in Children's Publishing and YA Highway.

    Kate Hart also has a nice twitter roundup:
