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Monday, March 19, 2012

Middle Grade on NPR: Backseat Book Club

I recently discovered a neat series on All Things Considered called Backseat Book Club. Each month they feature a middle grade story and ask kids in advance to submit questions about the book. Later, they air an interview with the author and lace in soundbites of the kids asking their questions in the most adorably serious, book-wormy way. Check them out when you have a chance! Aside from being cute, the interviews are terrific, and often reveal interesting bits about the books and the people who wrote them.


  1. Cool! An author I know was featured a few months ago on there (Anne Ursu). I didn't hear it myself but was told to check it out and had forgotten. So thanks for the reminder.

  2. Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing I will check it out.

  3. Thanks for the heads-up, Gina. (I love what you said about the kids asking questions "in the most adorably serious, book-wormy way.")

  4. Thanks for the info. This could also be a great place to look for middle grade reads.

  5. Great link! Thanks for sharing.

    By the way, I tagged you on my blog with the Lucky 7 Meme. Lucky girl! :)
