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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wedding Cake and Art

Every week I go to the MET. And then I eat a cupcake. This week in Cupcakes and Art:
I haven't written about my love affair with the MET in awhile. Since this summer, my trips down 5th Avenue have dwindled down to a monthly visit. But our blistering winter is going to unpack her luggage any day now, so I plan to take advantage of the museum more - not only for inspiration, but also as a very hoity gym (the MET is 1/4 mile long, and over 2 million square feet of heated walking space!).

Among my recent museum and confection adventures was a surprise cultural experience. This fall, the Scientist and I attended a gorgeous wedding in Delaware at the Winterthur Garden, Museum, and Library. The ceremony was outside in the gardens, and the reception was inside... THE MUSEUM! Which meant we could roam certain exhibits between busting a move to Beyonce and doing the chicken dance.

One of the neatest pieces I saw as I teetered along in my heels was a two-shaft loom dating back to the 1700s. I snapped some photos in case a loom ever makes it into one of my books.

When I encounter something out of the ordinary, I often wonder if it will end up in a future story, so I try to take as much in as possible (or at least snap some photos). Do you typically observe new experiences, interesting objects, and people through the lens of a writer?

I usually end my trips to the MET with cupcakes - but I was luckier than usual in Delaware. I got to have a wedge of this flower-decked bad boy! There was some chocolate. There was some vanilla. There was some fruit on the inside. And it was yummy.


  1. Fun! I went to a wedding at an aquarium once. They tied the knot in front of the shark tank. It was awesome. :)

  2. I love the image of wedding guests doing the chicken dance in between works of art and historical objects! THAT needs to be in a scene in a story. :)

    To answer your question, yes, I always have my writer-opportunity glasses on when I encounter something unusual. I want to document everything and then usually don't know where to store the information so I can retrieve it later. Pictures are the best way it seems, but I'm horrible about having a camera with me. (My phone camera isn't very good.)

    What a fun location for a wedding!

  3. @ghenet - that's AWESOME!

    @bridgette - hate to miss those opportunities. thought sometimes i worry that it takes you away from the moment...
